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White Wine

Château de Vergisson Saint Veran ‘La Cote Rôtie’ 2018

Saint Veran
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In ‘La Cote Rotie’, Saint-Veran gets serious. The vineyard is situated at the base of the Vergisson rock, so there’s no lack of limestone, which brings with it finesse and subtlety in the nose, and a rich, lemony, mouth-watering saline fruit which is carried on and on to an elegant mineral finish.



There has been talk over the past year of the 2018 vintage in Burgundy being one of the greatest of all time.  Comparisons with the mythical 1947, and all that.  But let’s be careful and take a closer look.

We’ve tasted some marvelous wines, both white and red, and from all of the appellation levels.  Purity and concentration would be the key words across the board.

But lest we forget, 2018 was the hottest vintage in Burgundy since 2003.  And frankly, we were expecting wines like we got in 2003: flabby whites and Cote du Rhone-like reds.  But that did not happen.  And the secret to understanding 2018 Burgundy lies in understanding the difference between these two very hot years.

If you look at 2018 from start to finish, not only was it hot, it was dry: 50% less precipitation than the annual average over the past 30 years. However, if you were here in the early part of the year, you’ll certainly remember the rain. ​

After a very dry summer in 2017, winter 2017-18 was wet. It rained nearly every day through March and into April.  And the vine was slow to bud.

That all changed in the middle of April. Wet soil and higher temperatures brought on explosive growth in the vineyards that the vignerons had a tough time keeping up with.  In a week we went from bud burst to unfurled leaves.

The first flowers burst in mid-May. The crop set regularly with very little disruption, and summer settled in. The early wet conditions followed by April’s warmth saw the onset of mildew, but the fungus never stood a chance.

It was a hot and sunny summer. Some would say it was a heat wave and a drought. And we started to see signs of stress in vineyards in certain sectors. Things were better where there was a little rain.  But August was bone dry. In fact, there was no rain from June 15th to the end of October.

It was about this time that comparisons to 2015 cropped up. You could see ripeness rapidly approaching, and there was talk of harvest starting at the end of August.

The vines were incredibly healthy; no moisture means no threat from mildew or odium. No rot.  Good ripeness.  ​

And, for the first time since 2009….a normal yield! So, let the harvest begin!

And it did, in the last days of August.  What was most astonishing right from the start was that the perceived acidity levels seem OK.  Granted, there’s no malic acid, but the levels of tartaric acid seem to be compensating, and there is an over-all impression of balance. 

Also amazing was the amount of juice the crop produced.  Not only was the yield bigger than the past 10 years’ average, but the amount of juice set a record for Burgundy.  So there will be a lot of 2018 around.

And all this in a year that felt more like the south of Spain than Burgundy as we know it.  The only thing we can attribute the quality of 2018 to is the abundant winter rains, and the vine’s ability to go searching for water when it needs it.




The rocky outcrops of Solutré and Vergisson, emblematic of these vineyards, remind us 20,000 years ago one of the most fully evolved prehistoric cultures flourished here. The region is a magnificent landscape, and the wine villages are charming tourist destinations. Pouilly and Fuisse are two distinct villages in the production zone, but their wines and those from the villages of Vergisson and Chaintre are sold under the Pouilly-Fuisse appellation.

Produced in the communes of Fuissé, Solutré-Pouilly, Vergisson and Chaintré.


Pouilly-Fuisse should be elegant and full of charm, with its distinctive minerality to the fore. It ranges in color from pale to golden, and the nose, often dominated by flinty smoke can be nutty, floral, citric, biscuity, grassy and honeyed, making this one of the most varied of the white Burgundies. Terroir plays heavily in the wines from this appellation, and accounts for the enormous number of named vineyards being bottled separately. An experienced taster can distinguish zones and even individual vineyards. Pouilly-Fuisse, well made, is a noble wine, opulent and structured.


Lying on a foundation of fossiliferous limestone identical to those found further north in the Côte-d'Or, the bajocien escarpments of Solutré and Vergisson owe their dramatic profile to the presence of hard fossil corals which have resisted erosion. The vines are planted on the slopes and at the foot of these two hills on clay-limestone soils of jurassic origin mixed with scree from the upper slopes and, in one spot, schist. The hillsides are cut into by little steep-sided streams which give the slopes an easterly or south-easterly exposure. Altitudes are 200 to 300 meters.


White wines only - Chardonnay

Production surface area

1 hectare (ha) = 2,4 acres

757.20 ha


Rich and complex, Pouilly-Fuisse has a characteristic hint of minerality which makes it work with some noble ingredients like crustaceans (king prawns, lobster, crayfish) and foie gras. When acidity and minerality are in balance, it goes well with white meats such as veal or poultry in cream sauce, as well with the goat's cheese that the region is famous for. Its aromatic power means it can also match spicy and perfumed dishes such as couscous, tajines, or sweet-and-sour oriental dishes.


On the label, the appellation 'Pouilly-Fuisse' may be followed by the name of a specific vineyard, known as a climat.

The following climats are village wines from a single vineyard, known as a lieu-dit:

A la Chaneau

A la Cotonne

A la Croix Bonne

Au Bois Billon

Au Bourg

Au Bucherat

Au Buchot

Au Chapal

Au Clos

Au Gaulia

Au Gros Bois

Au May

Au Métertière

Au Moule

Au Peloux

Au Sauge

Au Suif

Au Vignerais

Aux Bouthières

Aux Chailloux

Aux Charmes

Aux Combes

Aux Concizes

Aux Coreaux

Aux Grands Champs

Aux Morlays

Aux Murs

Aux Plantés

Aux Prats

Aux Quarts

Aux Vignes Dessus



Bois Dayer

Bois de Lacroix

Bois des Fousses

Bois du Molard

Bois Lafaye

Bois Sansonnet

Bois Seguin

Champ Potard

Champ Ruy

Clos de la Maison

Clos Gaillard

Combe Poncet

Derrière la Maison

En Bertillonne

En Bonnard

En Buland

En Buterie

En Carmentrant

En Cenan

En Champ Roux

En Charmont

En Chatenay

En Chauffaille

En Courtesse

En France

En Larzille

En Nanche

En Ouche

En Pomard

En Pragne

En Recepey

En Ronchevat

En Rontenoux

En Rousselaine

En Servy

En Tancul

En Tillier

En Vallée


La Barrière

La Baudotte

La Bergerie

La Brétaude

La Bucharlatte

La Cadole

La Carrière

La Chardette

La Chattière

La Corège

La Côte

La Croix Pardon

La Dépendaine

La Folle

La Frérie

La Gorge au Loup

La Grange Murger

La Grouillère

La Maréchaude

La Mouille

La Petite Bruyère

La Roue

La Ruère

La Teppe Charpy

La Terre Jeanduc

La Toule

La Truche

La Verchère

La Vigne des Verchères


Le Bois des Taches

Le Carron

Le Champ Rocher

Le Clos

Le Clos de Monsieur Noly

Le Clos Reyssier

Le Grand Pré

Le Haut de Savy

Le Martelet

Le Moulin

Le Nambret

Le Plan

Le Repostère

Le Routé

Le Sabotier

Le Sang Clos

Les Belouzes

Les Bois Denis

Les Brulés

Les Chardonnets

Les Chataigniers

Les Chevaux

Les Chevrières

Les Combettes

Les Condemines

Les Courtelongs

Les Crays

Les Creuzettes

Les Croux

Les Fourneaux

Les Gerbeaux

Les Grandes Terres

Les Guilloux

Les Insarts

Les Jettes

Les Longues Raies

Les Ménétrières

Les Murgers

Les Perrières

Les Piasses

Les Plessis

Les Prâles

Les Préauds

Les Prés Hauts

Les Prouges

Les Quarts

Les Robées

Les Rontets

Les Rossins

Les Scélés

Les Séries

Les Terres du Perret

Les Travers

Les Verchères

Les Verchères de Savy

Les Vernays

Les Vieilles Plantes

Les Vignes Blanches

Les Vignes des Taches

Long Poil

Maison du Villard

Mont Garcin

Petite Croix

Petites Bruyères

Pierre Lotey

Plan de Bourdon


Pré de Vaux

Pré des Aires


Sous le Four

Sur la Roche

Sur la Rochette

Sur les Moulins


ers Agnières

Vers Châne

Vers Cras

Vers Faux

Vers la Croix

Vers la Roche

Vers Pouilly

Vers Saint Léger

Vignes de la Fontaine

Vignes de la Hys

Vignes de la l'Eau

Vignes de la Roche

Vignes Derrière

Vignes des Champs

Vignes du Riat

Vignes Mottin

Vignes sur la Fontaine

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