Slow Roasted Bresse Chicken

- 4 lbs bresse chicken
- 1 1/3 lbs sea salt
- 2 pints cold water
- 4 lbs large potatoes
- 1 bulb garlic
- 4 white onions
- 1 pint cream
- 3/4 pint milk
- 2 tbsps nutmeg
- 2 lbs Jerusalem artichoke
- 6 carrots
- 3 parsnips
- 4 baby turnips
- 1 lb seasonal mushrooms
- 1 lb fresh spinach
This recipe is perfect for the holidays as so much can be prepared in advance.
Brine the chicken ; Remove any string and all giblets from the bird and add the the brine of sea salt and cold water. Rest in the fridge for 24hrs. On the day of the meal, slice two onlions and place on a roasting tray, place the chicken on top and cook the bird at 200f for 4 hrs and finish under a hot grill to brown the skin
Gratin Dauphinois potato ; Slice and lightly fry off two white onlions and garlic. Using a mandolin, slice the potatoes. Layer onto an ovenware dish potato-salt-pepper-nutmeg followed by potato -salt-pepper-onion mixture. Continue until the dish if full and then pour on the cream and milk. Bake in the oven 395f for 45 mins.
Jerusalem Artichoke chips ; Scrub but do not peel the 1lb of the artichokes. Again, using the mandolin, thinly slice, season and bake at 375f for 20mins.
Root Vegetables ; Peel and roughly chop the vegetables (including the other 1lb of artichokes) par boil to 50% and finish by roasting with some good quality oil 395f for 10 mins.
Mushrooms & Spinach ; Place the onions that you used as a base for the chicken in a pot, add roughly chopped mushrooms and spinach leaves, season.
We would recommend a simple 'family style' service, with every dish on platters or bowls.