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In This Issue...

Summer greetings friends,

Never, in all the years that we have been writing newsletters, have we had news like this to bring you. Surprisingly good wines are being produced from the newly renovated and planted vineyard on the upper slopes of the estate at Domaine de Cromey. It is becoming, once again, a real jewel in the crown of this historic property. The very small first harvest in 2022 produced impressive pure fruit, masked at first by a smokiness from reductive winemaking and bottling, giving us a wine that is surprisingly well balanced for such a young one. 2023 gave us a bigger and more mature harvest, showing a wine with great promise. In this newsletter issue we have a blog devoted to this very exciting wine, currently being bottled and will be shipped to the US in early 2025.

But wait, wait… there’s more to this wine journey. Living in Burgundy and spending our whole lives immersed in the wine world we have taken our ideas, lessons learned and feedback from many of our burgundy wine clients all across the US and channelled all of this into a serious winemaking endeavour of our own, complimenting our Cromey wines and winemaking on our own estate. First up, we are producing a Cromey Beaune 1er Cru ‘Champimont’, a 2022 vintage in collaboration with the winemakers from AMI who work our vineyards at Cromey. It will be bottled and shipped to arrive in the US in early 2025. It’s the beginning of a new era in our already-rich thirty-five-year journey in Burgundy. And there’s more to come!

So stay tuned and read on.  There’s a link to a blog in this issue to help you understand the import of this news. There is also a look at  Aromatics in Burgundy Wine, a blog on the unique geological underpinnings of the vineyards at Cromey, in the Hook of Burgundy and an article in our food series on a taste of Burgundy with dessert!
All the best from Burgundy!
Dennis Sherman and the team at and by Elden Selections
Glimpse the Future: The 2023 Burgundy Vintage from Domaine de Cromey
Discover the 2023 Burgundy vintage from Domaine de Cromey's Le Clos vineyard in the heart of Burgundy and get Dennis Sherman's take on this Incredible wine...
A Tale of Two Clubs
Learn more about our Burgundy Wine Club or The Library Club
Follow Your Nose: Understanding Aromas and Aromatics in Burgundy Wine 
Unlock the secrets of wine aromas with our guide. Learn how to identify and appreciate the aromatic complexity that defines Burgundy wines...
Getting Hooked: Discover the Hook of Burgundy at Domaine de Cromey
Learn what the Hook of Burgundy means, how the terroir of Burgundy and its geology affect Burgundy wines, and Domaine de Cromey's proximity to this location...
Burgundy Gastronomy: The Best Burgundy Dessert Recipes & Wine Pairings
Discover the best Burgundy dessert recipes served at Domaine de Cromey and the exceptional wines from that we recommend pairing with them...
Visit Domaine de Cromey in 2025
Our season starts in April and runs through the end of Novmenber.

Stay among the Vines in our Beautiful Manor House in the Heart of Burgundy!

Email Dennis at for details, dates, information and bookings! or send us this enquiry
The Most Popular Wines This Month
Explore the pinnacle of Burgundy's quality and outstanding value with Elden Selections at Here are some of our most recent and highly coveted deals from the past month:

Crémant for Summer
Savor the warm days of summer with this refreshing sparkling wine from the Crémant de Bourgogne appellation. The Appellation, known as Crémant de Bourgogne, can be used for white or rosé sparkling wines (though if they are red then the term Bourgogne Mousseux is used). The sparkling wines of this region are not only superb in terms of quality, but they are also refreshingly reasonably priced too, compared to their more famous cousins to the North in Champagne. Full Case $468 or 6-Pack $234

Everyday Drinking White Burgundy
Dedicated to the proposition that you can drink Burgundy every day, we've specially selected these white Burgundy favorites for everyday enjoyment. Each wine pairs perfectly with a variety of dishes, making them a versatile choice for any meal. At these prices, you need never again be afraid to open a Burgundy when you feel like it! Enjoy the luxury of Burgundy, any day of the week. Full Case $459

Jean Dauvissat Pere et Fils Chablis In 4 Vintages

Chalky Chablis minerality make you immediately think that this village Chablis comes from vines on the left bank of the Serein. Many of the Dauvissat holdings are there, near Milly, the hamlet at the foot of the Cote de Lechet. Here, deep berry fruit and lemon drop (orange, really) acidity produce a big, concentrated wine which is wide open on the palate, with a long rich finish driven on by that minerality. There’s a new kid on the block! 3 bottles of each vintage 2019, 2020, 2021, 2022. Full Case $507


Explore Premier Cru
World-Class Burgundy, Premier Cru, indicates the exceptional quality and superior terroir of a vineyard. These meticulously hand-selected Premier Cru wines offer an exploration of various appellations, regions, terroirs, and styles, showcasing the diverse and unique characteristics that make Burgundy one of the most renowned wine-producing areas in the world. Full Case $876 or 6-Pack $438

Red & White Burgundy from Domaine Rebourgeon

Allow me to introduce you to William Whitehead. Don’t let the English name fool you; he’s a born-in-the-vineyards Burgundian! William is a prodigy who has taken the reins at his parents’ Domaine Michel Rebourgeon, and he has Burgundy in a tizzy. 'Genius' is a word that I do not use lightly. This is the next generation of great Burgundy. Full Case $468


2021 Red Harvest Case
Just as we Burgundy purists begrudgingly acknowledged the vitality and variety of the three previous hot-weather vintages, along came 2021, classic Burgundy. Full Case $590

Regnaudot Maranges 2021 Red Case
Bernard Regnaudot arrived in Dezizes-les Maranges in 1996, but he is a third-generation vigneron. Soft-spoken and discreet, he works just under 16 acres of vineyards with his son, Florian. He is considered one of the ‘locomotives’ of the appellation Maranges, a tiny strip of vineyards stretching out to the west of Santenay in the direction of the Couchois. A historic vintage in an appellation that is all of the sudden the chou-chou of the Burgundy wine world. Full Case $480
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